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Vincent Lemire

VINCENT LEMIRE is born in Paris (1973), he lived in Paris, Cairo (1998-1999), Jérusalem (2012-2014). He is Agrégé of History (1998), PhD (2006), and he is currently Associate Professor at Paris-Est University and Director of the ERC-funded project « OPEN-JERUSALEM. Opening Jerusalem Archives: for a connected history of ‘Citadinité’ in the Holy City (1840-1940) » (2014-2019).

He is also the author of La soif de Jérusalem: essai d’hydrohistoire 1840–1948 (2010) ; Jérusalem 1900: la ville sainte à l’âge des possibles (2013; also available in Arabic, English, and Hebrew) ; Jérusalem: histoire d’une ville-monde (2016; also available in Italian, Arabic and English) and Ordinary Jerusalem 1840-1940. Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City (2018, dir. with Angelos Dalachanis).

His work and CV can be viewed and accessed here.