Below you can find an overview over our ETHICS COMMITTEE.
Myriam Catusse
Myriam Catusse is a political scientist and a CNRS research fellow at the Institut de recherche sur le monde arabe et musulman (IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence). From 2013 to 2017, she headed the department of contemporary studies at the Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, TPO). She holds a PhD from Sciences-Po Aix-en-Provence (1999) and was a Jean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute of Florence (Italy). She teaches for MBA Students at Aix-Marseille University, Sciences-Po Aix and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and also taught at the Paris School for International Affairs.
From 2008 to 2011, she led an ANR-funded (Agence nationale de la recherche) team project called “TANMIA (Development: the fabric of public action in the Middle East?)” and, before that was team leader of a joint French Ministry of Foreign Affairs/CNRS project on “States Facing Social Issue in Maghreb” (2005-2008). She coordinated with K. Karam and O. Lamloum the research programme Mobilizing and voting. The Lebanese parliamentary elections of June 2009, with the Lebanese Center for Policies Studies (Beirut) and the National Democratic Institute, and the research Program Political Parties’ Development in the Arab World, with the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (Beirut) and the International Development Research Center (Ottawa).
She was from 2013 to 2017 a core researcher of two european research programs : WAFAW (ERC), and Power2Youth (FP7). From, 2018 to 2021 she is a core researcher of the ANR-funded team projet on uprising and war in Syria, called Shakk. She is a board member of L’Année du Maghreb and the Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée.
Her research focuses mainly on social issues and mobilizations in the Middle East. She edited and co-edited books on Moroccan Businessmen (2008), on Moroccan (2004) and Lebanese elections (2011), on political parties in Maghreb (2005) and Middle East (2010), on social issues (2005, 2010, 2010), on Arab Youth (2013) and on mobilization in industrial worlds (2018).
You can find her complete CV and bibliography here and here).
Jihane Sfeir
Jihane Sfeir is an associate professor in Modern History of the Arab world in the Faculty of Sociology and Philosophy at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). She obtained her PhD from the Institut National des Langues et Civilisaitons Orientales in Paris, her research interests and teaching focus on Middle East history and politics generally and Palestine and Lebanon in particular. Her work deals with refugee issues, the manufacture, uses and practices of archives. She authored several articles in academic journals and edited books on Arab historiography and archiving in the Middle East. She is also the director of the Observatory of the Arab and Muslim Worlds at the Maison des Sciences Humaines at the ULB.
Vincent Lemire
VINCENT LEMIRE is born in Paris (1973), he lived in Paris, Cairo (1998-1999), Jérusalem (2012-2014). He is Agrégé of History (1998), PhD (2006), and he is currently Associate Professor at Paris-Est University and Director of the ERC-funded project « OPEN-JERUSALEM. Opening Jerusalem Archives: for a connected history of ‘Citadinité’ in the Holy City (1840-1940) » (2014-2019).
He is also the author of La soif de Jérusalem: essai d’hydrohistoire 1840–1948 (2010) ; Jérusalem 1900: la ville sainte à l’âge des possibles (2013; also available in Arabic, English, and Hebrew) ; Jérusalem: histoire d’une ville-monde (2016; also available in Italian, Arabic and English) and Ordinary Jerusalem 1840-1940. Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City (2018, dir. with Angelos Dalachanis).
His work and CV can be viewed and accessed here.
Jill Schwedler
Dr. Jillian Schwedler is Professor of Political Science at the City University of New York’s Hunter College and the Graduate Center, and Nonresident Senior Fellow of the Rafiq Hariri Center for the Middle East at the Atlantic Council. She is member of the Board of Directors of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) of North America. She earned her PhD in Politics from New York University in 2000.
Dr. Schwedler’s books include Faith in Moderation: Islamist Parties in Jordan and Yemen (2006) and (with Laleh Khalili) Policing and Prisons in the Middle East (2010). Her research interests include contentious politics, political geography, interpretive research methods, and research ethics, with primary focus on Yemen and Jordan. She is currently finalizing a book, Protesting Jordan: The Time and Space of Political Dissent.