The ERC DREAM is pleased to invite you to the conference entitled “SWANA from below: living, enduring, and remembering its revolutions” organised by the Scuola Normale Superiore (Center for Social Movements Studies – COSMOS) and in cooperation with the Centre Marc Bloch Berlin which will be hold from Wednesday 30th of November until Friday 2th of December in Florence, Italy. The conference will take place in english from 9:30h to 19:00h at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Palazzo Strozzi, conference hall l’Altana .
Detailed progamme conference “SWANA from below: living, enduring, and remembering its revolutions”: 1 SWANA_Full Program_modified

An online participation to the Keynotes is possible, please register using this link.
If you are interested in participating at the daily workshops that will take place in presence with limited places, please register using this Google Form.
We look forward to your participation !