Amin Allal is a researcher in political sociology at the French Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). He is affiliated to the Research Institute on Contemporary Maghreb in Tunis. He has recently published and co-edited (with V. Geisser): Tunisie. Une démocratisation au-dessus de tout soupçon (Paris, CNRS éditions, 2018) ; and (with A. Boutaleb and M. Vannetzel) Introduction aux mondes arabes en (r)évolution (Bruxelles, De Boeck, forthcoming).
His research explores the politics of popular classes, focusing on various scenes of social interactions such as labour mobilizations or « development » programs oriented towards the « poor ». He builds on qualitative methods (ethnography and non-directive interviews) in order to analyse collective action in local contexts such as the pauperized suburbs of Tangier and Tunis, as well as the mining region of Gafsa in Tunisia.