6 June 2023 | 9:30-15:30 | Centre Marc Bloch Berlin
(Salle Tillon | Friedrichstr. 191 / 10117 Berlin)
Organized by the ERC DREAM project in partnership with EUME and the Centre Marc Bloch
In the context of the 2011 revolutions in the North Africa West Asia (NAWA) region, dignity/karama has found a central place. The revolutions, in Tunisia and Syria at least, have been called revolutions of dignity (thawrât al-karama). Even today, in the revolutionary and post-revolutionary processes underway in the region, the question of dignity remains central: that which is owed to the victims of violence, that which has been expressed and continues to be expressed in the resistance, that which accompanies the demands for subsistence and the right to life even in contexts of critical economic and climatic crises, notably in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Sudan.
Taking dignity as our focal point and examining it from different angles, this workshop organized by the ERC DREAM project in partnership with EUME and the Marc Bloch Center, will grapple with a number of fundamental questions: Has dignity taken on a renewed political and social meaning throughout the Revolutions in the region (2010-present) ? Why did this emotion-value-notion become central to the claims of these revolutions? To what type of conception of politics does it correspond in a time of questioning of the ideological horizons inherited from the 20th century? What kind of circulation of this notion of dignity can be observed on a diachronic level (in the form of a genealogy) and on the scale of the spaces of protest, between regions, languages, social spaces?
Please find the detailed program here.
The Workshop will take place in ENGLISH.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Dorothee Mertz (May 25, 2023). [WORKSHOP] 6 JUNE 2023, “Thinking Dignity. The Politics of Dignity in the aftermath of the NAWA Revolutions” DREAM. Retrieved February 19, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/nwpd